Till Sunday Pirate.

Till Sunday Pirate.
18x24 wet colldion process on metal plate, from 19th century.
18x24 wet colldion process on metal plate, from 19th century.
Step into the enchanting world of Oliver, the musical soul behind Till Sunday Pirate. Since 1997, Renato has embraced the art of street performance, where the raw energy of the streets ignited his passion for music.
From these vibrant beginnings, Oliver's musical journey has flourished. He ventured to create the One Man Didgeridoo Band, a fusion of rhythmic genius that transcends the boundaries of three instruments. With the mastery of a single element, Renato conjures the mesmerizing didgeridoo, the heartbeat of drums, and the symphony of multipercussion.
Just as my wet plate collodion process captures a moment in time, Pirate's music captures the essence of his artistic evolution. Each note and beat mirror the dedication poured into a perfect collodion plate.
Oliver, your musical tale is a testament to innovation and inspiration. It's an honor to immortalize a fragment of your journey through the alchemical fusion of history and art.
Here's to the eternal blend of music and photography, embodied in the portrait of a true musical Pirate, Oliver, Till Sunday Pirate!

In progress…
Teaser #1
I a 2
Introspection by two.

Teaser #2
I a 2